
Journal papers
8 Dardeno, Worden, Dervilis, Mills, Bull On the hierarchical Bayesian modelling of frequency response functions (2024)
10 Bee, Poole, Worden, Dervilis, Bull Multitask feature selection within structural datasets (2024)
20 Poole, Gardner, Dervilis, Bull, Worden On statistic alignment for domain adaptation in structural health monitoring (2023)
21 Gardner, Bull, Dervilis, Worden Domain-adapted Gaussian mixture models for population-based structural health monitoring (2022)
22 Hughes, Bull, Gardner, Dervilis, Worden On robust risk-based active-learning algorithms for enhanced decision support (2022)
23 Dardeno, Bull, Mills, Dervilis, Worden Modelling variability in vibration-based PBSHM via a generalised population form (2022)
24 Bull, Dhada, Steinert, Lindgren, Parlikad, Duncan, Girolami Knowledge Transfer in Engineering Fleets: Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling for Multi-Task Learning (2022)
25 Bull, Dervilis, Worden, Cross, Rogers A sampling-based approach for information-theoretic inspection management (2022)
31 Gardner, Bull, Gosliga, Poole, Dervilis, Worden A population-based SHM methodology for heterogeneous structures: Transferring damage localisation knowledge between different aircraft wings (2022)
32 Bull, Gardner, Rogers, Dervilis, Cross, Papatheou, Maguire, Campos, Worden Bayesian modelling of multivalued power curves from an operational wind farm (2022)
34 Gardner, Bull, Dervilis, Worden On the application of kernelised Bayesian transfer learning to population-based structural health monitoring (2022)
35 Hughes, Bull, Gardner, Barthorpe, Dervilis, Worden On risk-based active learning for structural health monitoring (2022)
42 Gardner, Bull, Dervilis, Worden Overcoming the problem of repair in structural health monitoring: Metric-informed transfer learning (2021)
44 Bull, Gardner, Dervilis, Papatheou, Haywood-alexander, Mills, Worden On the transfer of damage detectors between structures: An experimental case study (2021)
45 Bull, Gardner, Rogers, Cross, Dervilis, Worden Probabilistic inference for structural health monitoring: new modes of learning from data (2021)
46 Gardner, Bull, Gosliga, Dervilis, Worden Foundations of population-based SHM, Part III: Heterogeneous populations–Mapping and transfer (2021)
47 Bull, Gardner, Gosliga, Rogers, Dervilis, Cross, Papatheou, Maguire, Campos, Worden Foundations of population-based SHM, Part I: Homogeneous populations and forms (2021)
48 Gosliga, Gardner, Bull, Dervilis, Worden Foundations of Population-based SHM, Part II: Heterogeneous populations–Graphs, networks, and communities (2021)
49 Gardner, Bull, Gosliga, Poole, Dervilis, Worden On a Population-Based Structural Health Monitoring Framework: An Aerospace Case Study (2021)
50 Dardeno, Haywood-alexander, Mills, Bull, Dervilis, Worden Investigating the effects of ambient temperature on feature consistency in vibration-based SHM (2021)
51 Dardeno, Bull, Dervilis, Worden Investigating experimental repeatability and feature consistency in vibration-based SHM (2021)
52 Poole, Gardner, Dervilis, Bull, Worden On normalisation for domain adaptation in population-based structural health monitoring (2021)
57 Zammit, Bull, Sanders, Galvin, Dervilis, Sidhu, Worden Towards the Probabilistic Analysis of Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy Features to Predict Severity of Duodenal Histology in Patients with Villous Atrophy (2020)
58 Worden, Bull, Gardner, Gosliga, Rogers, Cross, Papatheou, Lin, Dervilis A brief introduction to recent developments in population-based structural health monitoring (2020)
60 Bull, Worden, Dervilis Towards semi-supervised and probabilistic classification in structural health monitoring (2020)
66 Bull, Rogers, Wickramarachchi, Cross, Worden, Dervilis Probabilistic active learning: an online framework for structural health monitoring (2019)
67 Bull, Worden, Fuentes, Manson, Cross, Dervilis Outlier ensembles: A robust method for damage detection and unsupervised feature extraction from high-dimensional data (2019)
75 Bull, Worden, Manson, Dervilis Active learning for semi-supervised structural health monitoring (2018)
1 Dardeno, Bull, Dervilis, Worden When does a bridge become an aeroplane? (2024)
2 Clarkson, Bull, Wickramarachchi, Cross, Rogers, Worden, Dervilis, Hughes Active learning for regression in engineering populations: A risk-informed approach (2024)
3 Brealy, Hughes, Dardeno, Bull, Mills, Dervilis, Worden Multitask learning for improved scour detection: A dynamic wave tank study (2024)
6 Bull, Jeon, Girolami, Duncan, Schooling, Haro Towards Multilevel Modelling of Train Passing Events on the Staffordshire Bridge (2024)
7 Smith, Hughes, Dardeno, Bull, Dervilis, Worden Anomaly Detection in Offshore Wind Turbine Structures using Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling (2024)
12 Clarkson, Bull, Dardeno, Wickramarachchi, Cross, Rogers, Worden, Dervilis, Hughes Sharing Information Between Machine Tools to Improve Surface Finish Forecasting (2023)
18 Bee, Bull, Dervilis, Worden When is an SHM problem a Multi-Task-Learning problem? (2023)
19 Bull, Jones, Cross, Duncan, Girolami Encoding domain expertise into multilevel models for source location (2023)
26 Hughes, Bull, Gardner, Dervilis, Worden Mitigating sampling bias in risk-based active learning via an EM algorithm (2022)
27 Dardeno, Bull, Dervilis, Worden A generalised form for a homogeneous population of structures using an overlapping mixture of Gaussian processes (2022)
28 Hughes, Gardner, Bull, Dervilis, Worden Improving decision-making via risk-based active learning: Probabilistic discriminative classifiers (2022)
Book chapters
11 Bull, Abdallah, Mylonas, Avendaño-valencia, Tatsis, Gardner, Rogers, Brennan, Cross, Worden, Duncan, Dervilis, Girolami, Chatzi Data-Centric Monitoring of Wind Farms (2023)
37 Bull, Hughes, Rogers, Gardner, Worden, Dervilis Partially Supervised Learning for Data-Driven Structural Health Monitoring (2022)
38 Gardner, Bull, Gosliga, Dervilis, Cross, Papatheou, Worden Population-Based Structural Health Monitoring (2022)
61 Fuentes, Cross, Gardner, Bull, Rogers, Barthorpe, Shi, Dervilis, Farrar, Worden Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Identification (2020)
71 Bull Towards probabilistic and partially-supervised structural health monitoring (2019)
Conference papers
4 Brealy, Bull, Brennan, Beltrando, Sommer, Dervilis, Worden On Additive Gaussian Processes for Wind Farm Power Prediction (2024)
5 Dardeno, Bull, Dervilis, Worden Transfer learning via intermediate structures (2024)
9 Dardeno, Bull, Dervilis, Worden Decoupling nonlinear normal modes using normalising flows (2024)
13 Dardeno, Bull, Mills, Dervilis, Worden Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of a family of FRFs (2023)
14 Dardeno, Bull, Mills, Dervilis, Worden Hierarchical Bayes for population-based modelling of FRFs with temperature variation (2023)
15 Dardeno, Bull, Dervilis, Worden A population form via hierarchical Bayesian modelling of the FRF (2023)
16 Haywood-alexander, Worden, Dervilis, Mills, Bull, Dardeno The Astir Glider Wing Dataset for Population-Based SHM (2023)
17 Bee, Papatheou, Haywood-alexander, Mills, Bull, Worden, Dervilis Better Together: Using Multi-Task Learning to Improve Feature Selection Within Structural Datasets (2023)
29 Poole, Gardner, Dervilis, Bull, Worden On the application of partial domain adaptation for pbshm (2022)
30 Dhada, Bull, Girolami, Parlikad Modelling the Times-to-Failures Using a Statistical Hierarchical Model (2022)
33 Bull, Dhada, Steinert, Lindgren, Parlikad, Girolami Population-Level Modelling for Truck Fleet Survival Analysis (2022)
36 Hughes, Bull, Gardner, Dervilis, Worden, Hughes Semi-supervised risk-based active learning using inspection and maintenance information (2022)
39 Gardner, Bull, Dervilis, Worden Challenges for SHM from Structural Repairs: An Outlier-Informed Domain Adaptation Approach (2022)
40 Gardner, Bull, Dervilis, Worden On the Application of Heterogeneous Transfer Learning to Population-Based Structural Health Monitoring (2022)
41 Bull, Gardner, Dervilis, Papatheou, Haywood-alexander, Mills, Worden Transferring Damage Detectors Between Tailplane Experiments (2022)
43 Hughes, Bull, Gardner, Barthorpe, Dervilis, Worden A risk-based active learning approach to inspection scheduling (2021)
53 Bull, Gardner, Dervilis, Papatheou, Worden Automated Feature Extraction for Damage Detection: A Pseudo-fault Framework for Population-based SHM (2021)
54 Bull, Gardner, Dervilis, Worden Normalising Flows and Nonlinear Normal Modes (2021)
55 Gosliga, Gardner, Bull, Dervilis, Worden Towards population-based structural health monitoring, Part III: Graphs, networks and communities (2021)
56 Gosliga, Gardner, Bull, Dervilis, Worden Towards population-based structural health monitoring, Part II: heterogeneous populations and structures as graphs (2021)
59 Bull, Gardner, Rogers, Cross, Dervilis, Worden New Modes of Inference for Probabilistic SHM (2020)
62 Gardner, Bull, Gosliga, Dervilis, Worden Towards population-based structural health monitoring, Part IV: heterogeneous populations, transfer and mapping (2020)
63 Gardner, Bull, Dervilis, Worden Kernelised Bayesian transfer learning for population-based structural health monitoring (2020)
64 Bull, Gardner, Gosliga, Dervilis, Papatheou, Maguire, Campos, Rogers, Cross, Worden Towards population-based structural health monitoring, Part I: Homogeneous populations and forms (2020)
65 Bull, Worden, Rogers, Cross, Dervilis Investigating engineering data by probabilistic measures (2020)
68 Bull, Worden, Rogers, Wickramarachchi, Cross, Mcleay, Leahy, Dervilis A probabilistic framework for online structural health monitoring: active learning from machining data streams (2019)
69 Bull, Rogers, Dervilis, Cross, Worden A Gaussian process form for population-based structural health monitoring (2019)
70 Bull, Dervilis, Worden Experimental Validation of the Population-Form to Represent Nominally-Identical Systems (2019)
72 Bull, Worden, Dervilis Damage classification using labelled and unlabelled measurements (2019)
73 Dervilis, Zhang, Bull, Cross, Rogers, Fuentes, Dertimanis, Abdallah, Chatzi, Worden A nonlinear robust outlier detection approach for SHM (2019)
74 Bull, Manson, Worden, Dervilis Active Learning Approaches to Structural Health Monitoring (2019)
76 Bull, Worden, Cross, Dervilis Outlier Ensembles: an Alternative Robust Method for Inclusive Outlier Analysis with Structural Health Monitoring Data (2018)
77 Clarkson, Bull, Dardeno, Wickramarachchi, Cross, Rogers, Worden, Dervilis, Hughes A spin on active learning analysis for health monitoring (None)